February 18, 2012

Puff, puff, puffer fish! (Fugu)

Big Macs may get you over time, but there are few dishes that can kill you in one go. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to fugu (puffer fish). Fugu has been a delicacy that requires its poisonous liver to be removed by a professional before consumption. Every year amateur fisherman catch fugu and, in their excitement, try to prepare the fish themselves, often with tragic results.
But enough of the doom and gloom. Fugu is delicious. But it's an acquired taste. The meat is clear, almost transparent and has a subtle taste that may require years of living in Japan to appreciate. It's most often eaten raw, grilled, deep fried or in a hot pot (nabe)

Recently, the annual "fugu fest" at Wakamatsu shuten(若松酒店)was held, a wonderful alcohol shop during the day turned fugu restaurant at night. Course features fugu sashimi (tessa), grill fugu, fugu nabe (tecchiri) and finishes with rice porridge and hira-sake (fugu fin in hot sake). Fugu is best in winter and certainly something to look forward to after the new year festivities. We love fugu.